Embodiment ~ Your Mind/Body/

Emotional Connection

Deepening Consciousness

Living and navigating our human experience while being as fully present as possible brings with it intriguing and often surprising and significant satisfying changes that occur spontaneously, synchronicities arise. Unlike experiences focused on a plan, a strategy and an anticipated outcome that may be analyzed and evaluated, the experiences in the moment, in presence, are instant and deeply felt in coordination with our brain as it incorporates our total physical experience as well. This is embodiment.

By our very nature, we create and learn "stories" to explain our experiences as we navigate through life. These stories provide context. When our stories no longer serve us, we have the capacity through contemplation and self-understanding to bring significant change. Awareness is the first step.

Karl Jung proposed a paradigm of the psyche:  A core self, in current terms, the I AM, is encased within the Persona or Freudian ego and the Shadow or Freudian unconscious. We are challenged frequently throughout life to remain within our story or create new stories rather than dare to open to the true Self – the I AM. We are biologically and emotionally wired with default patterns that sustain our discomfort and dis-ease, yet this same “wiring” has the ability to re-boot and transmute into wholeness.

In the century following Jung and his peers, quantum physics, the discovery of DNA, and neuropsychology bring understanding to the role of the physical body and awareness of our existence as it is influenced by interpersonal and cosmic events. A century ago Teilhard de Chardin wrote of a cosmic consciousness and the future convergence of science and religion.

We are learning that as the self is nurtured and allowed expression, the stories of the persona and the fears, rage and darker perceptions hidden in the shadow can transmute. The growing transformation of these stories and myths bring spiritual opening and enhanced awareness and the experience of our unity with all that is.

Grounding for Emergence of Self

Each breath holds your essence. Awareness and evolving clarity of what serves your life work and purpose can be breathed into full expression of your uniqueness and genius.

What do you desire? Money, Fame, Being a Change Maker for the benefit of the Earth and Mankind, Living in Integrity, Constantly Learning, to name a few?

There is no true separateness, only the experience of standing alone in the midst of the Unity of All That Is. In standing alone you in silence and with open heart, hear and experience your infinite nature that is currently in this body and mind as a vehicle for the experience of the magnificence and challenges and sometimes horror that is your limited perception of the vast whole.

The Shadow Brought Into Light

An astoundingly beautiful function of our bodies is the mirror neurons located in the frontal and parietal regions of our cortex. They are the source of our capacity for empathy. As we mirror with another or a group of others, we can experience that which is hidden within our shadow. Curiously, the other(s) is a mirror for us to see that which we are afraid to see in our Self.

Alongside the mirror neurons are the neurons of the autonomic nervous system that move us to fight or flight actions. As they are activated and triggered by empathic attunement with another, we bring awareness to and recognize our emotional and physical patterns. We transmute them by understanding and then releasing these deeply held shadow perceptions.

Being grounded is key to opening to clarity. Memories of past painful events, birth trauma, PTSD, illness, loss of loved one, financial difficulty are carried in our cells and neurons. To transform or transmute these bodily held memories, we learn to allow our self to come fully into awareness on a cellular level for experience and release.

In our opening to consciousness we experience the beauty and uniqueness of I AM.

Consultation work with Kathleen incorporates Human Design System to look at specific channels or links that we bring to relationships with another. Ask Kathleen for more about channels in specific key relationships.

Awareness - Contemplation - Transformation

It is my life work and mission to share and facilitate awareness, contemplation, and transformation in individual lives. As we become self-aware, we honor and respect our self and our purpose for being. In so doing, we honor all individual differences and find transformative ways in which to heal our self and allow others to heal themselves, in so doing we can heal our planet. By transforming as individuals, we bring prosperity to new levels of understanding.

Are you ready for your next level of expansion and activating a higher level of your potential?

Contact me today to learn how I can guide you in your unique life expression of your true Self.

Email: Kathleen@Synarchyny.com | Tel: 631-353-9317